Friday, October 15, 2010

Seafood Lunch

Yesterday was our first meal served by the culinary class at school. Its called menu day when they make a 6 course menu and serve it to classmates as though your in a restaurant. PRETTY awesome. The food was amazing! I really thought i was in a restaurant. Though, there was one plate i didnt care for too much and it was the Scungili Salad which is conch meat. Its tough and rubbery. It was the only plate i didnt like everything else was pretty good. I forgot to take a picture of the first plate because i was so eager to eat it but it looked beautiful. The first course was served on a spoon so it was intended to eat all in one shot and it made so much sense. The combination of flavors went so well together that if you ate them separately it wouldnt have tasted quite the same.

I thought the meal that they pulled off was definitely something that was finessed and it got me really excited at the thought of it being my turn to do the same thing! ENJOY THE PICTURES!

^ this was incredible!

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